Python基礎教程 (第2版) 中文高清PDF版
Python學習手冊 第3版(Learning Python, 3rd Edition) 中文版PDF
Python核心編程 (第二版) 高清PDF中文版
Python核心編程 第二版 (Core Python Programming)
CBT Python Edition - Python編程視頻教程
Python 3 Object Oriented Programming
Programming in Python 3: A Complete Introduction to the Python Language
Dive Into Python 3 (附隨書源碼)
Python 3 for Absolute Beginners
O'Reilly Python Pocket Reference 第四版
Python核心參考 第三版
Making Use of Python
Python入門指南 中文PDF for py 2.5b
A Byte of Python (for Python 3.0)
wxPython實戰 (中文版)
Manning wxPython in Action
征服Python-語言基礎與典型應用 教程+隨書光盤下載
深入Python 中文版
Dive Into Python 5.5 (附代碼)
O'Reilly Python in a Nutshell 第二版
O'Reilly Learning Python 第四版(涵蓋Python 2.6和3.x)
O'Reilly Learning Python 第三版
Python How To Program
Wrox Beginning Python
Python Visual Quickstart Guide
Python Developer's Handbook
O'Reilly Programming Python 第三版
Python 2.1 Bible (Python 2.1 寶典)
O'Reilly Python Standard Library
Python Essential Reference 第四版
Python Essential Reference 第三版
Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional 第二版
Wrox Python: Create - Modify - Reuse
Python for Unix and Linux System Administration
Python Programming with the
Advanced Python Programming
Python Performance Tips
Python Programming On Win32
Scientific Computing in Python
Python Network Programming
Processing WDSL in Python
O'Reilly Python & XML
mod_python 手冊
Thinking in Python
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner
Game Programming with Python Lua And Ruby
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist - Learning with Python
Text Processing in Python
GUI Programming with Python, Using the Qt Toolkit
Rapid GUI Programming with Python and Qt
Expert Python Programming
Django 1.0 Template Development
Wrox Professional Python Frameworks
The Definitive Guide to django
Beginning Django E-Commerce
Python Frameworks Web 2.0 Programming with Django and TurboGears
Foundations of Agile Python Development
Foundations of Python Network Programming
The Definitive Guide to Pylons
Addison Wesley - Perl to Python Migration
Python Scripting for Computational Science
Mobile Python: Rapid prototyping of applications on the mobile platform
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python
Numerical Methods in Engineering with Python
從1990 發展至今,市面上已有相當多的書藉可供學習參考,與Python 相見恨晚
推薦Python核心編程 第二版 (Core Python Programming),寫得相當仔細
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